惠州DHL国际快递网点 惠州DHL国际快递公司
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惠州DHL国际快递网点 惠州DHL国际快递公司
合同物流解决方案的全球市场 DHL Supply Chain 发布了其的播客节目AllBusiness。没有界限。从饼干到职业:消除下一代供应链人才的界限。可以找到两部分播客的部分这里 从开始。
该播客深入探讨了俄亥俄州中心地带女童子军年度饼干计划的规划和执行,该计划涉及全年规划和战略,终以每年 2月的供应链式“饼干投放”(称为大型交付)达到高潮,其中有数十万的饼干被送到俄亥俄州中部,由当地女童子军分发。
该播客还揭示了供应链物流等行业的机会,认识到吸引女性探索传统上由男性劳动力主导的机会永远不会太早。近的统计数据显示,供应链劳动力中女性比例不到40%,只有 11% 担任高管职务。
DHL 供应链人力资源副总裁 Tim Sprosty表示:“从历史上看,我们的使命是将人们联系起来并改善生活。“我们与女童子军的合作让我们更试图传达这样一个信息,即物流业是女性提升职业生涯的好地方。”
“我们期待继续与 DHL的关系,不仅是为了志愿者机会,也是为了帮助展示物流行业的职业前景,让我们的女孩们可以为未来思考这个问题,”总裁兼执行官塔米沃顿说,俄亥俄州中心地带委员会的女童子军。“除了教授技能之外,我们还致力于为管道、未来的劳动力管道提供支持。”
It is that time of the year, an annual tradition when millions ofGirl Scouts cookie favorites are delivered across the country toeager customers – a $900 million program delivering 200 millionpackages of delicious treats while teaching business skills togenerations of Girl Scouts!
Coinciding with the arrival of Thin Mints, Tagalongs, and Samoas,DHL Supply Chain, the global market leader for contract logisticssolutions, released its latest podcast episodes, All Business. NoBoundaries. From Cookies to Careers: Removing Boundaries for theNext Generation of Supply Chain Talent. Part one of the two-partpodcast can be found here beginning today.
The podcast dives into the planning and execution of the GirlScouts of Ohio Heartland’s annual cookie program which involvesyear-round planning and strategy culminating with a supplychain-like “cookie drop” each February – called the mega-delivery –where hundreds of thousands of cookies are delivered to centralOhio for distribution by local Girl Scouts.
“We’ve been doing the mega-delivery for 10 plus years,” saidJessica Martin, Product Program Manager, Girl Scouts of OhioHeartland Council. “So a number of years of trial and error havehelped us to come and finally get to a great place and great flowwith how delivery works.”
The podcast also shined a light on the opportunity for industrieslike supply chain logistics to recognize it’s never too early toappeal to females to explore opportunities traditionally dominatedby the male workforce. Recent statistics show less than 40 percentof the supply chain workforce are women – and just 11 percent holdexecutive roles.
“Historically, we have a mission around connecting people andimproving lives,” said Tim Sprosty, Senior Vice President, HR, DHLSupply Chain. “Our partnership with the Girl Scouts took us alittle further upstream trying to get the message out that thelogistics industry is a great place for females to enhance theircareers.”
“We look forward to continuing our relationship with DHL, notonly for the volunteer opportunities, but also to help show whatcareers in logistics look like so that our girls can think aboutthis for the future,” said Tammy Wharton, President and CEO, GirlScouts of Ohio’s Heartland Council. “In addition to teachingskills, we're about helping to feed the pipeline, the workforcepipeline of the future.”
法定代表人 | 朱红亮 | ||
注册资本 | 300 | ||
主营产品 | DHL国际快递,联邦国际快递,UPS国际快递,Fedex快递,国际空运,国际海运,国际专线 ,FBA国际空派,FBA国际海派,中欧铁路,化工品运输服务EMS等;自营或代理各类商品和技术的进出口业务。 | ||
经营范围 | 承办国际货物运输DHL国际快递,联邦国际快递,UPS国际快递,Fedex快递,国际空运,国际海运,国际专线 ,FBA国际空派,FBA国际海派,中欧铁路,化工品运输服务等;自营或代理各类商品和技术的进出口业务。 | ||
公司简介 | 承接DHL国际快递、联邦国际快递、UPS国际快递,国际空运、国际海运、国际专线是当今国际货运领域中备受瞩目的品牌和服务。其中,UPS快递作为行业的翘楚之一,为客户提供全球范围内快速、安全、可靠的运输服务。本文将从品牌优势、运输产品和目的港等多个角度出发,详细介绍UPS国际快递的特点和优势。1.品牌UPS快递:DHL快递、联邦快递、UPS快递是国际货运领域中的品牌。UPS快递作为其中一员,以其卓越的 ... |
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